Що таке Poetree?
Poetree.club - це сайт, на якому будь-яка людина може писати вірші, читати поезію інших авторів і залишати свої відгуки про неї. В майбутньому ми плануємо додати можливість друкувати збірники поезії.
Створення нового аккаунту Poetree
Ви можете зареєструватися на сайті Poetree за допомогою вашої адреси електронної пошти або аккаунта в соціальних мережах. Дивіться розділ "Вхід / Реєстрація" нижче, щоб отримати додаткову інформацію.
Відгуки та пропозиції
Нам буде дуже цікаво почути вашу думку про наш сайт, а також пропозиції щодо його вдосконалення або вказівки на недоліки, які ви помітили. Ви можете написати нам, використовуючи форму зворотного зв'язку в нижньому меню.
Sign In / Register
Sign in / up by email
If you don't have a Poetree account you can sign up with your email tapping Register. After you fill in a form with your name, email and password, you will receive a confirmation message to your mailbox.
To log in with your email tap Sign in and choose an option to sign in with your email.
Sign in / up with social networks
You can sign in or register for the Poetree account with your Facebook / Google+ / Twitter or VK account. You can also connect your social media accounts later.
Home feed
Once signed in, Poetree.club acts as your home feed. Poems in your home feed are written or recommended by people you follow, plus publications & tags.
To search, tap Search icon and type in your search terms.
Add a poem
You can add your own poem tapping Add a poem. It may be your original work or a translation of other author's poem, made by you. Keep in kind that you should have a copyright to the piece of content you add.
To see recent notifications on your poems, tap a notifications icon.
To view your profile page, tap My page. You can see all your poems and the information about you, that is available to other Poetree users. You can edit your profile in Settings.
Read a poem
You're free to read as many poems as you like - the access to all the content on the website is available for free.
Appreciate a poem
Tap a heart icon under a poem to appreciate it. Poems you appreciate will appear in the feeds of your followers.
Comment on a poem
You are free to comment on a poem and leave your impressions about it on a poem page. Scroll down to the end of it and write your comment.
Share a poem
To share a poem, scroll down to the end of the poem and tap either the Facebook, Twitter or Google+ icon. You can also copy the URL of the poem from the location bar and paste it anywhere you prefer.
You can create your collections or browse collections of poems created by other users. Your collections can be private (visible only to you) or public (visible to anyone). If your collection is public other users can follow it and receive notifications when new poems are added to the collection.
Write a poem
To begin writing a new poem, tap Add a poem.
Adding a title
Write a title to your poem. If it doesn't have a title the first line will be considered as a title.
Change the text style
To make a word or phrase bold, italic or a link, select the text and choose B, I or 🔗 from the menu.
Add tags to a poem
After writing a poem add tags that describe your poem best of all. We recommend add up to five tags.
Set a featured image
Select the image you want to feature. It will be visible on a poem preview and also will be placed on a poem page as a background.
Publish your poem
To publish your post, tap Publish button.
Edit a published poem
To edit your published poem, go to its page and tap Edit icon.
You can find unpublished drafts of your poems on your profile page. Only you can see your drafts.
Publication stats
To view your publication stats, tap a user icon > My Statistics.
Feed & Following
Home feed
Once signed in, Poetree.club acts as your home feed. Poems in your home feed are written or recommended by people you follow, plus publications & tags. Your content can also appear on other people home feed. We try to show your poems to people who may be most interested in reading them. A topic of a poem, previous comments and appreciations and other factors may be taken into account.
Follow People
You can follow the authors you like tapping Follow button on their profile.
Follow Collections
You can follow the collections you like tapping Follow button on their page.
Report inappropriate content
To report abuse, harassment, trademark & copyright infringement or other problems, contact us via the contact form you can access in the bottom of the page.
Change settings
To change your settings, tap user icon > Account Settings.
Connect social media accounts
To connect your Facebook / Twitter / Google+ / VK account to Poetree, tap user icon > Account Settings and tap a button of a social media website you would like to connect. After doing so you can sign in to your Poetree account using a corresponding social media button on Sign In page.
Your passwords should consist at least of 6 symbols.
Change email preferences
To turn on or off email notifications, tap user icon > Account Settings > Email settings.
Log out of account
To log out of Poetree, tap user icon > Log out.