The wings
You are taking your evening dress off
With you face against the wall
And I can see some new scars grow
On your back, smooth and tender at all
I want to cry in pain
Or just to fall asleep
And I see you've lost in vain
Your wings I loved, and this love was deep
We used to have plenty of time
And now, we're busy and packed
We prove that strong ones destroy weak ones and bite
We prove that white may be black
Every of us has lost something
During this dreadful war
In fact, can I find somewhere
Your wings I loved at all?
I don't ask how much money you have
I don't ask how many men you've got
I see open windows have the smell of grave
And on high floors you want to be not
And if tomorrow there is a fire
And we are surrounded by it
Without your beautiful wings we will die
Which I loved, and the love, it was deep